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LAGI Youth Prize

Middle School and High School

Learn more about the
Land Art Generator Initiative >


To download supporting documents and for more information, please visit this website on your desktop or laptop browser.

In order to be eligible to win, your entry to the LAGI 2015–2016 Youth Design Prize must clearly show us that you’ve addressed all of the four items listed here.



Your proposal for an artwork must be designed as a three dimensional form that includes at least one kind of renewable energy technology. In your written description tell us what technology you’ve integrated and why.


How will your artwork fit onto the existing design site? How will people interact with it? Make sure that you show how big your artwork is (is it at the right scale?). In your sketches, write down some of the dimensions in feet or meters. Make sure that you haven’t gone outside of the site boundary line!



Develop a message that you want to communicate to the people who will come to see your artwork (this is sometimes called the “concept”). Your message or concept can be absolutely anything you can imagine. Tell us about it in your written description.


How will your artwork relate to the natural world? Think about where the materials came from that you would use to build your full-scale artwork. Does your artwork disturb habitat of any animals, birds, or insects? Or does it provide new homes for wild creatures? Put some of these thoughts down in your written description.